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Sunday, May 4, 2014

★Our Comic Collection

Below is a brief list of the comics which we owned.
The list will get updated every time we purchase new comics.
Also, bits by bits, we will also be linking each title to an individual page which will consist of information of the comic itself... :)

List Updated As of 10 May 2013

Chuangyi Version 创意

爱的情锁 [Vol 1-2] [End]
ALICE 19TH [Vol 1-7] [End]
CHANGE x CHANGE [Vol 1] [End]
朝思暮想的爱 [Vol 1-2] [End]
超人气HONEY [Vol 1-3] [End]
DEATH NOTE [Vol 1-13 + 手册] [End]
KISS绝交KISS [Vol 1-10 + 全手册] [End]
库洛魔法使 [Vol 1-12] [End]
男装俏佳人 [Vol 1-5] [End]
情迷贵公子 [Vol 1-7] [End]
太阳王子 [Vol 1-2] [End]
我的爱情魔药 [Vol 1] [End]
黑道大小姐 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
W CHANGE [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
吸血鬼骑士 [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
学园王子 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
ZIG ZAG [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]

Tongli Version 東立

18歲的鼓動 [Vol 1] [End]
蜜月達令☆我的新娘 [Vol 1] [End]
貓咪心情 [Vol 1] [End]
先輩與彼女 [Vol 1-2] [End]
蜜糖公主 [Vol 1-2] [End]
親愛的伊達政宗大人[Vol 1-2] [End
排球甜心 [Vol 1-3] [End]
天堂 HEAVEN!! [Vol 1-3] [End]
純愛卡路里燃燒系 [Vol 1-3] [End]
我的鄰居是 XX [Vol 1-3] [End]
妖精標本 [Vol 1-3] [End]
他是惡魔! [Vol 1-3] [End]
魔法王子 [Vol 1-4] [End]
不顧一切 [Vol 1-4] [End]
宝皇學園美宙組 [Vol 1-4] [End]
少年改造計畫 [Vol 1-4] [End]
純愛特攻隊長!本氣 [Vol 1-4] [End]
維納斯綺想曲 [Vol 1-5] [End]
花之騎士 [Vol 1-5] [End]
CRAZY FOR YOU ~為你瘋狂~ [Vol 1-6] [End]
H [Vol 1-6] [End]
虎與狼 [Vol 1-6] [End]
戀愛得分 [Vol 1-7] [End]
治療系男孩 [Vol 1-7] [End]
小傻瓜戀物語 [Vol 1-7] [End] 
我不是天使 [Vol 1-8] [End]
MIX VEGETABLE 料理關係 [Vol 1-8] [End]
貓街 [Vol 1-8] [End]
非你莫屬 [Vol 1-9] [End]
放課後保健室 [Vol 1-10] [End]
KOIBANA!戀愛吧花火 [Vol 1-10] [End]
近距離戀愛[Vol 1-10] [End
惡魔在身邊 [Vol 1-11] [End]
星歌戀曲 [Vol 1-11] [End]
毒藥伯爵 [Vol 1-13] [End]
LOVE MONSTER 愛的魔怪 [Vol 1-12] [End]
純愛特攻隊長 [Vol 1-13] [End]
色誘中毒 [Vol 1-16] [End]
校園時光 [Vol 1-17] [End]
櫻蘭高校男公關部 [Vol 1-18 + 手冊] [End]
紅色 HERO [Vol 1-20] [End
愛似百汇 [Vol 1-22] [End]
魔法水果籃 [Vol 1-23 + 貓手冊+宴手冊] [End]
B.O.D.Y 愛情在身邊 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
DEAR親愛的 [Vol 1-6 Ongoing]
獨領風騷 [Vol 1-15] [Ongoing]
好逑少女 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
幻影少年 [Vol 1-4,8-11] [Ongoing]
戀愛班長 [Vol 1-13] [Ongoing]
少年進化論 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
SILVER ~銀色少年~ [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
SKIP BEAT 華麗的挑戰 [Vol 1-31] [Ongoing]
小狐妖可兒 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
學園管家 [Vol 1-13] [Ongoing]
血咒聖痕 VASSALORD [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
翼 TSUBASA [Vol 1-8, 15, 18 ,19, 20, 21 + 公式手冊] [Ongoing]
只想告訴你 [Vol 1-18] [Ongoing]
愛神Q比特 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
黑白少年少女 [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
Switch Girl!!~變身指令~ [Vol 1-19] [Ongoing]
鈴木同學,我愛你 [Vol 1-17+手冊] [Ongoing]
聲優志願! [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
心之鑽石 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
小咩的管家 [Vol 1-17] [Ongoing]
鄰座的怪同學 [Vol 1-10] [Ongoing]
千金小姐新嫁娘 [Vol 1-15] [Ongoing]
波瀾萬丈日記 [Vol 1-6] [Ongoing]
只要妳說妳愛我 [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
我們的故事 [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
閃爍的愛情 [Vol 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10] [Ongoing]
閃亮新星 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
閃爍的青春 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
童話魔女之森 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
八潮與三雲 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
圍繞千歲的愛 [Vol 1-6] [Ongoing]
讓你說愛我 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
回家之歌 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
桃色天堂 [Vol 1-11] [Ongoing]
鄰居❤同居 [Vol 7 & 8] [Ongoing]
妖狐×僕SS [Vol 3,4,7 & 8] [Ongoing]
我家波奇這麼說 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
青澀戀物女 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
追逐夢想的每一天 [Vol 3,6,9 & 10] [Ongoing]
第2次戀愛是謊言 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
萌力無敵 [Vol 1] [End]
死神公式角色設定 SOULS [Vol 1] [End]
我的主人愛作怪 - 完全讀手冊 [Vol 1] [End]
七龍珠占卜 [Vol 1] [End]
出包王女畫集 Love Color [Vol 1] [End] 
MONSTER SOUL [Vol 1-2] [End]
異星少女 [Vol 1-2] [End]
拉魯Ω古拉德 [Vol 1-4] [End]
麻辣野玫瑰ZERO [Vol 1-5] [End]
舞姬 [Vol 1-5] [End]
神樣家族 [Vol 1-5] [End]
我的主人愛作怪 [Vol 1-5] [End]
魔法x零蛋 [Vol 1-10] [End]
女子神學院大冒險 [Vol 1-11] [End]
涼風 [Vol 1-18] [End]
ALIVE最終進化少年 [Vol 1-4 & 17] [Ongoing]
不良仔輿眼鏡妹 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
超异能少年 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
出包王女 [Vol 1-10+公式] [Ongoing]
飛輪少年 AIR GEAR [Vol 1-13, 15 & 17] [Ongoing]
美眉伴身邊 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
魔導少年 [Vol 1-6 & 8] [Ongoing]
魔法老師 [Vol 1-20] [Ongoing]
親愛芳鄰 [Vol 1-8,10,11,12 & 13] [Ongoing]
驅魔少年 D.GRAY-MAN [Vol 1-14,16,23+手冊] [Ongoing]
三國百花繚亂 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
食夢魔少年 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
死神 BLEACH [Vol 1-51,55,56+秘笈] [Ongoing]
我的雙翼 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
無敵偵探貴公子 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
小镇有你 [Vol 1-20] [Ongoing]
史上最強弟子兼一 [Vol 1-10] [Ongoing]
戀愛風波 [Vol 1-15] [Ongoing]
Holy Talker~神聖福音 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
BLAZER DRIVE 徽章戰役 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
C0DE:BREAKER法外制裁者 [Vol 1-14] [Ongoing]
PSYREN~決戰遊戲~ [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
魔界公主 Princess Lucia [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
天才寫真少年 [Vol 1-3,6 & 7] [Ongoing]
GE~戀愛成就~ [Vol 1-11] [Ongoing]
最強學生會長 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
BTOOOM!驚爆遊戲 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
惡魔奶爸 [Vol 1-8,10,11 & 12] [Ongoing]
Eyeshield 光速蒙面俠 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
逆轉裁判 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
逆轉檢事 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
流浪神差 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
關鍵鬼牌三國志 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
屍體派對 新章 Another Child [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
進擊的巨人 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
山田君與7人魔女 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]

Chang Hong Version 長鴻

玻璃羽毛少年 [Vol 1] [End]
浪漫甜點屋 [Vol 1] [End]
戀愛水平 [Vol 1] [End]
一公升的眼淚 [Vol 1] [End]
Boy & Cool 酷帥男孩 [Vol 1] [End]
SEX=LOVE2 [Vol 1-2] [End]
手機情人 [Vol 1-2] [End]
王子育成法 [Vol 1-2] [End]
排球靚美眉 [Vol 1-2] [End]
同居達令 [Vol 1-3] [End]
NG x BOY美男天堂 [Vol 1-3] [End]
KISS KISS [Vol 1-3] [End]
Boys.Girl [Vol 1-3] [End]
KISS明星王子 [Vol 1-4] [End]
愛麗絲微熱38℃ [Vol 1-4] [End]
戀愛三人行 [Vol 1-5] [End]
搖滾藍薔薇 [Vol 1-5] [End]
這不叫戀愛 [Vol 1-5] [End]
新娘未滿!  [Vol 1-5] [End]
絕對達令 [Vol 1-6] [End]
愛的十字路口 [Vol 1-7] [End]
戀愛起跑線 [Vol 1-7] [End]
蜜x蜜水果糖 [Vol 1-8] [End]
青春少年兄。 [Vol 1-8] [End]
拇指羅曼史 [Vol 1-9] [End]
淚光小兔 ~ 制服的單戀 ~ [Vol 1-10] [End] 
偶像宣言 [Vol 1-14] [End]
SA特優生 [Vol 1-17] [End]
毒舌小惡魔 EENSY~WEENSY [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
金色琴弦 [Vol 1-10,12,13,14,15,16,17] [Ongoing]
狂想水男孩 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
LOVEY DOVEY - 優女與惡男 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
妹妹戀人 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
企鵝革命 [Vol 1-6] [Ongoing]
學生會長是女僕 [Vol 1-15] [Ongoing]
她愛上了我的謊 [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
尼特男走開! [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
秘密之星 ~Etoile secret~ [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
360° 的存在 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
謎樣的愛子 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
聲優一年生 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
狼少女和黑王子 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
筆尖上的戀愛糖漿 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
吸血鬼騎士 [Vol 10-16] [Ongoing]
美女恐龍妹 [Vol 1-3] [End]
07 GHOST 神幻拍檔 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
獵魔戰記 [Vol 1-19] [Ongoing]
美女恐龍妹DX [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
美少女學園 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
十字架+吸血姬 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
魔炮使者黑姬 [Vol 1-5, 7 & 8] [Ongoing]

SPP Version 尖端

好逑情人夢 [Vol 1] [End]
我亲愛的主人 [Vol 1] [End]
上流友好條約 [Vol 1] [End]
好逑情人夢 [Vol 1] [End]
愛美教主 [Vol 1] [End]
閃耀舞台 [Vol 1] [End]
彼得潘症候群 [Vol 1-2] [End]
花翼妖精WINGS [Vol 1-2] [End]
STAR BLACKS [Vol 1-2] [End]
玩偶敎主 [Vol 1-2] [End]
我的白金公主 [Vol 1-3] [End]
黑色星期五? [Vol 1-3] [End]
甜蜜糖罐 -CAFE FLAT- [Vol 3] [End]
唯愛獨尊 [Vol 1-3] [End]
LOVE SICK 愛戀四季狂想症 [Vol 1-3] [End]
完美☆彼氏彼女 [Vol 1-3] [End]
情人戀人 [Vol 1-4] [End]
電腦戀愛同盟會 [Vol 1-4] [End]
草莓星愿 [Vol 1-5] [End]
愛的木莓寮 [Vol 1-5] [End]
尋找滿月 [Vol 1-7] [End]
我的壞情人 [Vol 1-7] [End]
戀愛狂熱 LOVE LOVE PANIC! [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
牛奶糖之吻 [Vol 1 & 4] [Ongoing]
BLUE ~ 愛在蔚藍情天時 ~ [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
星塵★眨眼 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
要你對我XXX! [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
CRASH! [Vol 1-12] [Ongoing]
許個願吧!大喜 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
純血+彼氏 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
PANDORA HEARTS 潘朵拉之心 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
紳士同盟CROSS [Vol 1-9] [Ongoing]
搖滾天堂 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]
櫻花最前線 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
護花野獸 [Vol 1-6] [Ongoing]
小雞之戀 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
狼少年的誘惑 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
野獸男子求愛中 [Vol 1-4] [Ongoing]
閃耀夏祭 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
蜜糖女孩*大作戰 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
鐵拳少女桃子 [Vol 1-12 + Guidebook] [End]
神劍好小子 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
SOUL EATER [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
零之使魔 [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]
天獄 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
旋風管家 [Vol 1-14] [Ongoing]
一骑當千 [Vol 1-13] [Ongoing]
瑪莉亞†狂熱 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
孃王 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
屍鬼 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]

Ching Win Version 青文

藝能少女 [Vol 1-2] [End]
就是喜歡你 [Vol 1-3] [End]
愛情種子 [Vol 1-7] [End]
Papillon-花與蝶 [Vol 1-8] [End]
學園王子 [Vol 6-12] [End]
迷宮女神 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
百億公主 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
Starry*Sky星座彼氏 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
1/2狗王子 [Vol 1,2 &4] [Ongoing]
撒旦666 [Vol 1-19] [End]
黑神 [Vol 1-7] [Ongoing]

Kadokawa Version 角川

怪奇夜間部 [Vol 1-2] [End]
愛上甜食系男孩 [Vol 1-3] [End]
愛的省錢大作戰 [Vol 1-3] [End]
S.L.H追尋失落的心 [Vol 1-5] [End]
薔薇公主之吻 [Vol 1-9] [End]
魔法人力派遣公司 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]
学园默示录 [Vol 1-5] [Ongoing]
學園默示錄High School of the Dead Full Color Edition [Vol 1] [Ongoing] 
Zone-00 零之地带 [Vol 1] [Ongoing]
CODE GEASS 反叛的魯路修公式漫畫集 Queen [Vol 1-2] [Ongoing]

GE Version 尚禾

濃情巧克力 [Vol 1-5] [End]
ZOMBIE LOAN 殭屍借貸 [Vol 1-8] [Ongoing]
魔域英雄傳說 ÜBEl BLATT [Vol 0, 6] [Ongoing]
竹劍 BAMBOO BLADE [Vol 1-6] [Ongoing]

Yaya Version
千年傳說 [Vol 1-3] [Ongoing]

Daran Version 大然

冒牌愛情 [Vol 1] [End]
亲愛的阿娜答 [Vol 1] [End]

Dayi Version 大乙

薄荷辣滋味 [Vol 1-4] [End]
戀戀躲貓貓 [Vol 1-4] [End]
魔女的條件 [Vol 1-4] [End]
茱麗葉別碰我 [Vol 1-5] [End]

Asia Comic Version 亞圖

大韓拜金女 [Vol 1-5] [End]
喵喵同盟會 [Vol 1-5] [End]
Rolling 戀戀搖擺 [Vol 1-6] [End]

Tohan Version 東販

S,慾望的印記! [Vol 1] [Ongoing]

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

★Online Comic List

0-9/SYMBOLS Onna [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
'Hajimete' Ageru! [EN][One shot][End]
0 kara Hajimeru Manga Kyoushitsu [EN][Volume1][End]
14R [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
16 Life [EN][Chapter1-11][End]
1/3 Romantica [EN][One shot][End] 
2 Kaime no Hajimete no Koi [EN][One shot][End]
24 Jikan Renai Chou [EN][One shot][End]
2x8 Song [EN][Chapter1-13][On]
17-Sai [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
7 Genme wa Himitsu [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
7 Jikanme Rhapsody [EN][Volume1][End]

A Million Tear Drops [EN][Chapter1-9][End]
A Small World [EN][One shot][End]
AAA [EN][Chapter1-15][End]
After Friend [EN][One shot][End]
Ai Kaimasse [EN][One shot][End]
Ai kara Hajimaru [EN][Volume1][End]
Aiomou Hito - Sex Friend [EN][Volume1][End]
Akai Michi [EN][One shot][End]
Akakoi no Territory [EN][One shot][End]
Akuma de Koibito [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Akuma ga Halleluya [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Akuma to Dolce [EN][Chapter1-9][Hiatus]
Akumana Cupid [EN][One shot][End]
Akutou II [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Ama Iro Omoi [EN][[One shot][End]
Amai Akumu No Memai [EN][[One shot][End]
Ane-Mone Seikaten [CH][Volume1][End]
Animal Jungle [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Anata e no Crescendo [EN][Volume1][End]
Ano Ko to Boku no Ie [EN][Volume1][End]
Anta Nanka Daikirai [EN][Volume1][End]
Anta Nante Okotowari [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Anya Kouro [EN][One shot][End]
Ao no Hitoiro [EN][One shot][End]
Aoi Kiseki [EN][Volume1][End]
Arakure [EN][Chapter1-57][End]
As The God of Death Dictates [EN][Chapter1-8][End]
Atashi wa Bambi [EN][Chapter1-11][End]
Atsu Atsu Trattoria [EN][One shot][End]
Auto Focus [EN][Volume1-5][End]

Babel no Tegami [EN][One shot][End]
Bara to Sumire [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Beelzebub [EN][Chapter1-80][On]
Bet!! [EN][One shot][End]
Bijin Dorobou [EN][One shot][End]
Binbou-gami Irimasen Ka? [EN][One shot][End]
BioPlanet WoO [EN][Volume1][End]
Bishounen no Oheya [EN][Chapter1-5][On]
Bitter Trap [EN][One shot][End]
Black Coffee [EN][One shot][End]
Bloody Kiss [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Bloody Monday Season 2 [EN][Chapter1-37][On]
Blue (SAKISAKA Io) [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Blue Spring X Machine Gun [EN][One shot][End]
Boku kara Kimi ga Kienai [EN][Chapter1-10][On]
Boku no Suki na Otokonoko [EN][One shot][End]
Boku wa Kisu Uso Otsuku [EN][Chapter1-7][End]
Bokura no Himitsu wo Kyouyuu Shiyou ka [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Bokura no Himitsu wo Kaihou Shiyou ka [EN][One shot][End]
Bokura no Pink [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Bokutachi Wa Shitte Shimatta [EN][Chapter1-18][On]
Boyfriend (Yamada Daisy) [EN][Chapter1-11][End]
Bring it On! [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Buriki no Kanzume [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
By Hero [EN][One shot][End]

Celeste Blue [EN][One shot][End]
Cherry Juice [EN][Volume1-4][End]
Chocolate [EN][Chapter1-5][On]
Chocolate and Mint [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Chocolate BF [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Christmas ni Kagayaku [EN][One shot][End]
Clash [EN][Volume1][End]
Colourful_Sign [EN][One shot][End]
Cream Caramel [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Crepuscule [EN][Chapter1-15][On]
Critical Lovers [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Cucumber Sandwich [EN][Chapter1-2][On]
Cyboy [CH][Volume1-2][End]
Cyboy [EN][Volume1-2][End]

Daisuki Datta yo Sensei [EN][Chapter1][On]
Dame na Kurai ga Choudoii [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Danshi Kinshitsu!! [EN][Volume1][End]
Darling I Love You [EN][One shot][End]
Dear Green [EN][One shot][End]
Deco Deco Kiss [EN][One shot][End]
Deep Sky Blue [EN][One shot][End]
Defense Devil [EN][Chapter1-69][On]
Desire Climax [EN][Chapter1-47+Extra][End]
Do You Want To Try [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Dokuhebi-san ni go-chuui wo [EN][One shot][End]
Don't Cheat on Me! [EN][Chapter1-2][On]
Doremifasolrasido [EN][Volume1-2][On]
Double Cast [EN][Chapter1-6+Extra][End]
Durarara!! dj - 001 [EN][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - Beauty's Beast Heart [EN][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - Count Down [EN][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - INTERMISSION [CH][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - Shima^2 [EN][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - The Beginning of Our Love [CH][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - Waaarning! [EN][One shot][End]
Durarara!! dj - 不確定要素危險信號 [CH][One shot][End]

Eensy Weensy Monster [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Eikaiwa School Wars [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Enren Debut (Koukou Debut Sequel) [EN][One shot][End]

Fall in Love Like a Comic [EN][Chapter1-8+Extra][End]
Female x Female = Love [EN][One shot][End]
Five [EN][Chapter1-41][On]
Fly High [EN][Chapter1-13][End]
Flying Bunny [EN][One shot][End]
Forbidden Kiss [EN][Chapter1-23][On]
Fragment [EN][One shot][End]
Full Moon Joker [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Furueru Yoru no Himitsugoto [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Fushigi na Chikara de [EN][Chapter1-4][End]

Garasu Bijin [EN][One shot][End]
GDGD-DOGS [CH][Chapter1-3][On]
Genshaku Tsundere Danshi Semekare [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Gimmick [EN][One shot][End]
Giri Koi [EN][Chapter1-8][End]
GirlxGirlxBoy [EN][Volume1][End]
Gokuaku Drop [EN][One shot][End]
Gokujou Drop [EN][Volume1-3][End]
Gokujou Twins [EN][Volume1][End]
Guuzen ka Unmei ka [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Gyutto Shite Chuu [EN][Volume1][End]

H3 School [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Hachimitsu Shounen [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Hadaka Muffler [EN][One shot][End]
Haikei Nanashi-sama [EN][One shot][End]
Hairstyle Amano-jaku Shiyou [EN][One shot][End]
Hakuouki Junrenka [EN][Chapter1-2][On]
Hana-kun to Koisuru Watashi [EN][Chapter1-3][On]
Hana ni Arashi [EN][Chapter1-9+Sidestory][End]
Hana to Watashi [EN][One shot][End]
Hanashite Nante Agenai Yo [EN][Volume1-2][End]
Hanazakari de Koi Shiteru [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Hanbun wa Ai de Dekitemasu [EN][One shot][End]
Hand-in-Hand Lovers [EN][One shot][End]
Handmade no Oujisama [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Happy End no Uragawa [EN][One shot][End]
Happy Every Day [EN][One shot][End]
Harem Lodge [EN][Chapter1-9][End]
Hatsukoi Host [EN][Volume1][End]
Hatsukoi ni Oboreta [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Heart no Ousama [EN][Volume1][End]
Help!! [EN][Volume1][End]
Henai Prince [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Hidarite no Love Letter [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Hieshou Danshi Kouryakubou [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Highschool Debut [EN][Chapter1-52][End]
Hikitateyaku no Koi [EN][Volume1][End]
Himegimi no Tsukurikata [EN][Chapter1-7][End]
Himitsu Kichi [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Himitsu no Ai-chan [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Himitsu no Sono Ato [EN][One shot][End]
Hito ni Ienai Aidagara [EN][Volume1][End]
Hitoribocchi wa Samishikute [EN][Volume1-3][End]
Hiyokoi [EN][Chapter1-3][On]
Hizamazuite Ai wo Chikae [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Honnou Chocolat [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Hoshi wa Utau [EN][Chapter1-40][On]
Hot Line of Sight [EN][Volume1][End]
Houkago Kiss [EN][Volume1][End]
Houkago Love Age [EN][Volume1][End]
Houkago, Sensei to Koi ni Ochiru [EN][Volume1][End]
Houkago wa Dokusenyoku [JP][Chapter1-5][End]
Hyakujuu Kingdom [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Hyakuman Tsubu no namida [EN][Chapter1-9][End]
Hyougara Sanka [EN][Oneshot][End]

I Don't Need You [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Ichigo Jikan [EN][Chapter1-11][End]
Iinazuke Ryokan [EN][Volume1][End]
Iinchou no Himegoto [EN][Chapter1-10][End]
Inu Jikan [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Itoshi no Hime-chan [EN][One shot][End]

Junketsu Kareshi [EN][Chapter1-3][On]

K-On! [CH][Chapter1-40][On]
Kamikami Kaeshi [EN][Chapter1-2][On]
Kanojo no Namida ga Yuki da Toshitara [EN][One shot][End]
Kaori-chan Himitsu Nikki [EN][One shot][End]
Kare First Love [EN][Chapter1-30][On]
Kare ga Shoujo Manga wo Yomuriyuu [EN][One shot][End]
Kare wa Tsumetai Furi o Shite [EN][Volume1][End]
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - 57 [EN][One shot][End]
Kawaii Ore-sama [EN][One shot][End]
Kedamono Damono [EN][Volume1-3][Hiatus]
Kemono ni Botsuraku Ojou-sama [EN][One shot][End]
Kiken na Honey [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Kill Me Kiss Me [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Kimi ga Hajimete [EN][One shot][End]
Kimi Ga Suki [EN][Volume1-3][End]
Kimi ni Furetara [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Kimi ni Moete Ii desu ka [EN][Volume1][End]
Kimi no Neiro [EN][Chapter1][On]
Kimi to Koi ni Ochiru Mahou de [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Kimi to Scandal [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Kimi wa Chiisana Kesshou [EN][One shot][End]
Kimi wa 'Suki' no Daimeishi [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
KimiKiss - Various Heroines [EN][Chapter1-45+Extras][End]
Kingyo Sou [EN][Chapter1-7][On]
Kira*Kira Crystal [EN][One shot][End]
KissxMiss [EN][One shot][End]
Kiss to Koukai [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Kitty~迟来的告白 [CH][Volume1][End]
Koakuma Lion [EN][Volume1][End]
Kohitsuji to Ookami [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Koi Dano Ai Dano [EN][Chapter1-5][On]
Koi Hirari [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Koi Mane [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Koi Otome no Nandai Shitsumon [EN][One shot][End]
Koi Shika Dekinaiyo [EN][Chapter1-7+Extra][End]
Koi wo Kanaderu Kisetsu [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Koibana [EN][Volume1][End]
Koibito Asobi [EN][One shot][End]
Koigokoro Telepathy [EN[One shot][End]
Koishite Nanbo [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Koisuru Piano [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Koko Ni Iru Yo! [EN][Chapter1-19][End]
Kono Te de Yokereba [EN][Volume1][End]
Kousha no Ura niwa Tenshi ga Umerarete Iru [EN][Chapter1][On]
Kuroshitsuji [EN][Chapter1-44][On]

La Satanica [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Land Escape [EN][One shot][End]
Lapis Lazuli no Oukan [EN][Chapter1-3.5][On]
Last Game [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Let's Akuma Tech Kyoushitsu [EN][Chapter1][On]
Life+b [EN][One shot][End]
Little Star [EN][One shot][End]
Lingerie Logic [EN][Chapter1-2][End]
Loose Leaf [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Love & Noise [En][Chapter1-3][On]
Love at First [EN][Volume1][End]
Love Hunter Akazukin [EN][One shot][End]
LOVE教程 [CH][Chapter19-29][On]
Love Junky [EN][Chapter1-7][End]
Love Knife [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Love Laboratory [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Love Life [EN][Chapter1-4+Extra][End]
Love Sick [EN][Chapter1][On]
Love Stalking! [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Lovely Complex [EN][Volume1-17][End]

Makimodoshi no Koi no Uta [EN][Chapter1-5+Extra][End]
Mamotte Agemasu [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Manabiya Ouji [EN][One shot][End]
Manten no Kiss [EN][One shot][End]
Marugoto Ore No Mono [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Maruoka-san Chi No Kyouikugakari [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
M.C. Law [EN][Volume1-3][End]
Megane Danshi Shinkasetsu [EN][One shot][End]
Megane ni Koishite [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Meguriauyo Baby [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Meikyuu Yaburi no Hananusubito [EN][One shot][End]
Melodrama Library [EN][One shot][End]
Metamo Reiya [EN][One shot][End]
Michi to no So Good [EN][One shot][End]
Mizutama Fabric [EN][Chapter1-4.5][End]
Model [EN][Volume1-7][End]
Momoiro Renka [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Monochrome World [EN][One shot][End]
Mou Speed de Karera wa [EN][Chapter1][On]
Muyu He Benxiaozhu [EN][One shot][End]
My Love [EN][One shot][End]
My One Third Boyfriend [EN][One shot][End]
My Wonderful Sweets [EN][One shot][End]

Nanaco Robin [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Nante Bakana Koi Nanda [EN][One shot][End]
Nante Zurui Otoko [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Naruto [EN][Chapter0-513][On]
Natsu wa Ginga no Ame ga Furu [EN][One shot][End]
Navy Nats [EN][Chapter1][On]
Ningyo ga Fuchi [EN][One shot][End]

Oblation Love [EN][One shot][End]
Oishii Kimi List [EN][One shot][End]
Ojousama's Orders [EN][Chapter1-3+Extra][End]
Okitsune no Hanayome [EN][One shot][End]
Okosama Brat [EN][One shot][End]
Okubyouna Kimi no Te [EN][One shot][End]
Ookamidomo no Shitsukekata [EN][Chapter1][On]
Ooma ga Toki [EN][One shot][End]
Orange Planet [EN][Chapter1-21][End]
Oresama wa Koino Dorei [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Osaerarenai! [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Osananajimi Kussetsuritsu [EN][One shot][End]
Otokomae Beads Club [EN][Volume1][End]
Otokonoko wa Hachimitsu [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Otomegokoro [EN][Chapter1-8][End]
Otona ni Nuts [EN][Volume1-4][End]
Otona no Shoumei [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Otona Pink [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Ouchi e Kaerou [EN][Volume1][End]
Ouji na Geboku no Aishikata [EN][One shot][End]
Ouji Romantica [EN][Volume1][End]
Ouji to Hime to Watashi [EN][One shot][End]

Pandora Hearts [EN][Chapter1-53][On]
Peppermint [EN][Volume1-4][End]
Pig Bride [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Pika Ichi [EN][Chapter1-2][On]
Pink Choodai [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Pink Innocent [EN][Chapter1-10][End]
Plastic Girl [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Princess Lucia [EN][Chapter0-7][On]
PxP [EN][Volume1][End]

Quick Witted Boy [EN][One shot][End]

Rabu Yome [EN][One shot][End]
Real Kiss [EN][One shot][End]
Red Lion [EN][Chapter1-37][End]
Ren-Ai Derby [EN][One shot][End]
Room No.106 [EN][One shot][End]
Running on Empty [EN][Chapter1-12][End]
Rust Blaster [EN][Chapter1-6]End]

S no Yuiitsu M no Zettai [EN][Volume1][End]
Saboten no Himitsu [EN][Chapter1-17][End]
Sagashimono [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Saikou no Kiss wo Ageru [EN][Volume1][End]
Sakurairo no Tsumeato [EN][One shot][End]
Sayonara demo Aishiteru [EN][Volume1][End]
Scandal Nante Iwasenai [EN][One shot][End]
Secret Kiss [EN][Volume1][End]
Seigi no Mikata (MIYUKI Mitsubachi) [EN][One shot][End]
Seishun Kouryakuhon [EN][Chapter1-3][On]
Seishun Panda! [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Sekirei [EN][Chapter0-105][On]
Sen no Kiss ni Nurete [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Senpai to Douseichuu [EN][One shot][End]
Sensei kiite yo [EN][Chapter1][On]
Sensei's Virtuous Kiss [EN][One shot][End]
Sentimental Honey [EN][One shot][End]
Seishun Limited [EN][One shot][End]
Seito Kaichou-sama no Pet [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Seven Days [EN][Volume1-2][End]
Shinobi denai to! [EN][One shot][End]
Shiro no Keiyaku [EN][One shot][End]
Shirotae no Kimi Hanagasumi [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Shounen Butterfly [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Shounen x Cinderella [EN][Chapter1-2][End]
Shuu7 [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Sleeping Beauty wa Nemurenai [EN][One shot][End]
S.L.H [EN][Chapter1-8][On]
SOLD OUT! [EN][Chapter1-6][End]
Sono Kuchibiru, Itadakimasu [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Sophist no Aku Heki [EN][One shot][End]
Sora ni Haeru [EN][One shot][End]
Sore Demo Yappari Kimi Ga Suki [EN][One shot][End]
Soul to Seoul [EN][Chapter1-18][End]
Spicy Fever [EN][One shot][End]
S.P.Y [EN][Chapter1-13][End]
Strawberry Shake Sweet [EN][Chapter1-17][End]
Strobe Edge [EN][Chapter1-22+Extra][On]
Sugar Addiction [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Suki dake ja Wakaranai [EN][One shot][End]
Suki Doki [EN][Volume1][End]
Suki ni Naru Made Matte [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Sumire wa Blue [EN][Volume1-2][End]
Sweetheart Devil [EN][One shot][End]
System of Romance [EN][One shot][End]

Tabecha Dame [EN][Volume1][End]
Taiken [EN][Chapter 1-5][End]
Te to Te to Namida [EN][One shot][End]
Tenchi Shinmei! [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
Tenjou no Kajitsu [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Tennenkei Ouji [EN][Chapter1-4+Extra][End]
The Kidnapping of Minja Jo's Boyfriend [EN][Chapter1-7][End]
The Moment When a Fox Becomes a Wolf [EN][Chapter1-4][On]
The Pure Love Affairs of You and Me [EN][One shot][End]
There is a song for you [EN][Chapter1-7][On]
Tokumei Egaogakari [EN][One shot][End]
Tomodachi [EN][Volume1-3][End]
Tonari No Danshi [EN][One shot][End]
Tonari no Inuyama-kun [EN][One shot][End]
Tonari no Koigataki [CH][Volume1-2][End]
Toraware Voice [EN][One shot][End]
Try Me Boy! [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Tsuki to Himawari [EN][One shot][End]
Tsuyogari [EN][One shot][End]
Twinkle Cherry [EN][Volume1][End]

Uchi no Ko ni Narinasai [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Uncontrol [EN][One shot][End]
Usotsuki Kusuriyubi [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Uwasa no Oujisama [EN][Volume1][End]
Uzakoi [EN][Volume1][End]


WA! [EN][Volume1-5][End]
Warui Ko no Mikata [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
Warui Ko no Tame no Wasuremono Techou [EN][Chapter1][On]
Watashi ni xx Shinasai! [EN][Chapter1-15.5][On]
Watashi no Cinderella [EN][Volume1][End]
Watashi no suki na Souma-kun [EN][One shot][End]
White Lover [EN][One shot][End]
Why Not [EN][One shot][End]
Wonderful Cafe [EN][One shot][End]


Yacchimaina!! [EN][One shot][End]
Yoru Made Matenai [EN][Volume1-8][End]
Yoru no Gakkou e Oide yo [EN][Volume1][End]
Yotteke! Otoko Mura [EN][Chapter1-4][End]
You are so cool [EN][Volume1-6][End]
Yukisaki Koisaki [EN][Volume1][End]
Yume Nanka ja Nakute [EN][One shot][End]
Yumenara Samenaide [EN][Chapter1-3][End]
Yuusetsu Taion [EN][One shot][End]

Zenbu Shiritai [EN][Chapter1-5][End]
Zero Count [EN][Chapter1-12][End]

爱情斗士! [CH][Volume1-2][End]
爱情浪漫曲 [CH][Chapter1-3][End]
暴君的当铺 [CH][Volume1][End]
爆走!! 恋爱冲击 [CH][Volume1][End]
穿越时光的歌声 [CH][Chapter1-4][On]
短跑恋人 [CH][Volume1][End]
恶魔爱人 [CH][Volume1][End]
放學后的獨佔慾 [CH][Chapter1][On]
非君莫属 [CH][Chapter1-21][On]
好逑少女 [CH][Chapter1-44][End]
黑涩甜蜜 [CH][Volume1][End]
焦糖牛奶巧克力 [CH][Volume1][End]
金鱼奏 [CH][Volume1-2][End]
恋爱吧花火 [CH][Chapter1-10][On]
美少年部屋 [CH][Volume1][End]
溺爱迷情恋人 [CH][Volume1][End]
偏愛王子 [CH][Volume1][End]
青春Walker [CH][Volume1][End]
染上蜜糖的笔尖 [CH][Chapter1][On]
少年改造计划 [CH][Chapter1-14][On]
食梦者 [CH][Chapter1-104][On]
桃色恋花 [CH][Volume1][End]
王子纯情游戏 [CH][Volume1][End]
我喜欢你铃木君 [CH][Chapter1-44][On]
我真的好喜欢你 老师 [CH][Chapter1-2][End]
无法飞翔的鸟 [CH][Chapter1-3][End]
血色星期一 [CH][Volume1-11][End]
野獸派少年少女 [CH][Volume1][End]
隐之王 [CH][Chapter1-72][On]

Aishiteru [JP][Chapter1][On]
Bleach [EN][Chapter387-392][On]
Himitsu no Ai-Chan [JP][Chapter5][On]
Kiss made no Kyori [JP][Chapter1][On]
Love All [JP][Chapter1-2][On]
Ouran High School Host Club [EN][Chapter83][End]
Penguin Revolution [EN][Chapter25][On]
Strobe Edge [EN][Final][End]
The Lover of the Devil [EN][Chapter1,4][On]
会长是女仆大人 [CH][Volume3][On]
企鹅革命 [CH][Volume6-7][End]



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*the web

Basically, here is a recollection of all the comics either I read online, rent as well as our purchases.

*the blogger

Although this web is supposed to be for a couple but only me, the lady is doing the updates! I personally love all sort of comics, namely shoujo comics. As for my bf, he read very selective titles such as Bleach.



Baka-Updates Manga


*10 recent posts


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